

Miles of 52 seconds has the power to blow everything


「SOMETHIN’ ELSE」の1曲目「枯葉」の52秒目、いきなりマイルスのキメのメロディーがきます。原曲のメロディーを「ピピピピッ」(楽譜上はたった4つの音)と吹いているだけなのに、他に類を見ない圧倒的なマイルス・デイビス ミュージックのオリジナリティーが聴く者をノックアウトします。何もかもが消し飛んでしまいます。52秒目のキメから2分05秒あたりまでのマイルスのソロを聴いてノックアウトされない人はジャズは向いてない。ジャズなんて広い音楽世界の小さな領域です。自分の感覚にあうものは他にもあるでしょう。

ジャケット右下に小さく「MILES DAVIS PERFORMS BY COURTESY OF COLUMBIA RECORDS」(マイルス・デイビスの演奏はコロンビアの好意による)の文字があります。苦しかったジャンキー時代に交わした「年に一度のペースで録音していこう」というブルー・ノートのアルフレッド・ライオンとの男の約束を果たすため、マイルスは当時契約していたコロンビアを説き伏せたというエピソードがここに表れています。






  1. AUTUMN LEAVES(Prevert-Kosma) 10:57
  2. LOVE FOR SALE(Cole Porter) 7:04
  3. SOMETHIN’ ELSE(Miles Davis) 8:14
  4. ONE FOR DADDY-O(Nat Adderley) 8:25
  5. DANCING IN THE DARK(Schwartz-Dietz) 4:05
  6. ALLISON’S UNCLE(Cannonball Adderley) 5:05


  • Miles Davis:trumpet
  • Julian “Cannonball”Adderley:alto sax
  • Hank Jones:piano
  • Sam Jones:bass
  • Art Blakey:drums

Eye 52 seconds of “leaves” the first song, the melody of the texture of Miles came suddenly. Knock out a person who “Pipipipi~tsu” the melody of the original song (on the score sounds just four) to just blowing and originality of Miles Davis music overwhelming unparalleled listen. Everything I would scatter away at. People are not listening to the solo knockout Miles per second for up to 05 seconds and 2 minutes from the texture of the eye 52 Jazz is not suitable. A small area of ​​jazz music world wide I. There will be other things to meet my own senses.

Small “MILES DAVIS PERFORMS BY COURTESY OF COLUMBIA RECORDS” (Miles Davis playing courtesy of Columbia) there is a character in the lower right corner of the jacket. In order to fulfill the promise of a man with Alfred Lion of Blue Note called “Let’s record at the rate of once a year” which was signed in age junkie was painful, the episode Miles that persuaded the Columbia had contracted at the time I’m up here.

Appeared in the tone of a bluesy nature is Cannonball Adderley. It seems to have liked to Miles immediately after this album, I just joined the Miles Davis band a little time for many reasons countries eventually. I will be taking advantage of the sound of nature more firmly in the Miles band practice. I’m so sorry. In this work has become quite cautious attentive to Miles, there are still things I think are also born here is “Akkerakan”.

Comments closed Madashimo liner notes if you do not not mention the leader on the job, in contrast to the Miles and Cannonball reviews even without any restrictions are scattered. Cannonball is a great player with a tone of genius, I suspect an ear to speak in contrast to the Miles in this album.

As if they feel all the texture of Miles, your three-way Hank Jones, Sam Jones, and Art Blakey is a dutifully playing compared to Akkerakan of Cannonball Adderley. Truly. It is a wonderful thing, such as piano, Hank Jones, this is that there are only in conjunction with that texture.

Name board “Autumn Leaves” masterpieces Ultra is too terrible no matter how the anatomy. Other leaves are too thin and caught together songs, you should feel divided into two “Let’s listen to the other leaves” and “Let Kiko dead leaves.” I think people who listen to digital players such as those who divided and really good. It just is not a bad song but never beyond the second track is a good performance, and there is no reason that such songs that can be followed by “leaves this”. There is only divided into two mood.

We 云 album “valuable eve jazz mode” can Dodemoyoi here. Let’s complete neglect. I paid the noise, it is now ready to use. Those who think to try and buy for reading drafts of this, I know the first 52 seconds to “texture of the century” is coming. We try to play with undivided concentration Come.


AUTUMN LEAVES (Prevert-Kosma) 10:57
LOVE FOR SALE (Cole Porter) 7:04
SOMETHIN ‘ELSE (Miles Davis) 8:14
ONE FOR DADDY-O (Nat Adderley) 8:25
DANCING IN THE DARK (Schwartz-Dietz) 4:05
ALLISON’S UNCLE (Cannonball Adderley) 5:05
Record Date: March 09, 1958, New Jersey, Gerda van ー studio

Miles Davis: trumpet
Julian “Cannonball” Adderley: alto sax
Hank Jones: piano
Sam Jones: bass
Art Blakey: drums